WTF just happened?!!! Started in early AM (0730 hrs) under of threat of rain and heavy air and I just couldn't get anything started, and when I did it went South so quick you'd think it was going to snow! I pulled shots, pushed shots and even topped shots! After tearing my hair out for 14 holes on of my playing partners told me I was "peeking." I was looking up at the shot to see where it was going. Well, one I stopped "peeking" I hit the ball pretty good, but by that time the round was in the dumpster. Well, now I have to wait until Thursday to try to put things back together. Oh well, it's a "work in progress" anyway so another couple of days won't hurt anything, just cause me to spend more time reflecting and licking my wounds. I'm a bit depressed about my effort (?) but there'll be another day, and I can't wait to exact my revenge!