Started at 78° with only the slightest of breezes. Anxious to use my new found techniques but ended up topping the first shot of the round. I maintained my cool and could have salvaged a bogey but my putter let me down by missing a 4' putt! Great way to start! I had some successes today but it sure wasn't with the putter--I missed 4 putts inside 5'!! Although the score and my data doesn't look real good, I had some shots that were spot-on. I found that with this new technique I'm hitting the ball farther with less effort, so I'm going to have to learn my yardages again, i.e. where I used to hit a 7 iron 135 yds I'm now having to use an 8 iron max. I'm playing again tomorrow so I'll have another "go" with the technique. I was really encouraged today with it, so now it is just a matter of ingraining it to my routine. Excited!!