Started at 74°, cloudy, a 4 mph breeze and a threat of rain. The course withstood nearly 1" of rain yesterday, but was in pretty good shape considering (it was cart path only). I didn't hit the ball too badly on the front, but, once again, I caught myself spinning out of the shots (front side only). I hit the ball MUCH better on the inward nine, despite not hitting many greens (I was flushing the irons over the greens). What was (?) normally a smooth 7 iron has now turned into a smooth 8, so I nor must relearn my club selection. All in all, it was a good day--one that I'll remember for a while. Pace of play was 2hr 45min for the entire round! When I was stationed in England, if you didn't play in bad weather/course conditions you didn't play at all, so this wasn't really a challenge. I truly love this game!!