Course Details
Type: | Private |
Superintendent: | Thomas Green, GCSAA |
Dress Code: | Collared Shirt (No Denim) |
Season Start: | Year round, weather permitting |
Pro Shop : | yes |
Pro Shop Hours: | 0730 - 1900 |
Driving Range: | yes |
Short Game Practice: | yes |
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Orangeburg Country Club
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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews
rabbigsb - 08/08/2019
Excellent golf course. Greens are fast. A must play.
Excellent golf course. Greens are fast. A must play.
Janice M Messer - 04/26/2015
as close to Augusta National as you and I will ever play, as far as condition of course. Very good Pro Shop, and EXCELLENT Restaurant
as close to Augusta National as you and I will ever play, as far as condition of course. Very good Pro Shop, and EXCELLENT Restaurant
DeuceSC - 10/20/2013
Prettiest course I have played to date. Also the toughest. Beautiful scenery, challenging golf. Very well kept. Greens were fast and rough was deeper than I was used to which overall led to a very challenging day. Can't wait to get back and better my score.
Prettiest course I have played to date. Also the toughest. Beautiful scenery, challenging golf. Very well kept. Greens were fast and rough was deeper than I was used to which overall led to a very challenging day. Can't wait to get back and better my score.
Calgolf - 03/22/2013
Fantastic course. Great driving range and putting greens, yes greens. Best greens I have ever played, super fast.
Fantastic course. Great driving range and putting greens, yes greens. Best greens I have ever played, super fast.
smitrock43 - 03/16/2014
THD - 02/22/2013
jfurr - 11/03/2012
EFGROSS - 04/24/2012
CamPen143 - 12/10/2011
Rhett1 - 11/02/2011
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