Architects Golf Club
700 Strykers Rd
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865-9499, United States

Rather than being a collection of "tribute holes," architect Stephen Kay and Golf Digest architectural editor Ron Whitten chose instead to present "open terrain" characteristics of certain architects from roughly 1885 to 1955. Those notable designers include Old Tom Morris, Alister Mackenzie, Hugh Wilson, Walter Travis, C.B. MacDonald, A.W. Tillinghast, Donald Ross, Stanley Thompson, Robert Trent Jones, Sr., William Flynn, and George C. Thomas. It is generally regarded as one of the best public-access courses in New Jersey.

Rates vary by season and include the cart fee and range balls.

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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$60 - $74
   Weekend:$100 - $124
   No discounts for 9-holes.
General Manager:David Eichner
Superintendent:Tony DiBartolomeo
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt & Slacks
Season Start:Year-round, weather permitting
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Pro Shop Hours:05:30 19:00 ET
Fairways Grass:Bent
Driving Range:Grass hitting surface
Short Game Practice:yes with sand bunker
Water Hazards:Scarce
Sand Bunkers:Heavy

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Architects Golf Club:    

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(*): Score has gametracker data
Recent Reviews

  Ttime111 - 08/05/2014
Definitely one of the nicest courses I've played. The course was in great condition. Nice scenery and the course is challenging enough for multiple plays. Nice layout.
  clayt11 - 09/11/2013
course was in great shape they aerated the greens three weeks ago were rolling as true as ever but not as fast as they looked i guess they havent rolled them but over all it was a great experience would love to go back again
  dmon2316 - 09/03/2013
Played on a day when we got about 2 inches of rain in the morning so conditions we kinda bad and the drainage isn't great. If it didn't rain the course would've been in perfect condition. Love the layout on the course and a challenging but fun course. Normal price is $100 and would not pay that to play here but got a deal online for $65.
  jmm1967 - 08/06/2013
Course was in great shape. Challenging but not overwhelming to the point you don't enjoy it. A bit pricey at $69 which makes it a once a year play. Would definitely play it again.
  brianmk24 - 06/25/2013
One of my favorite courses along with Royce Brook. Great grass range and bunker practice area. Always a little breezy on top of the mountains.
  BirdiesFromBird - 08/06/2012
i played mid-week with a deal off of golfnow.com for 30$ which included range balls but only allowed a single person. I waited on every hole for a minute or two, nothing severe, as expected when playing as a single behind a foursome and a twosome. The biggest downfall of the course was that to keep their greens so fast they let them go almost completely bare and, having rained the day before, caused the greens to become a bit patchy with patches of mud. The starter was great and let me out earlier than expected. Overall defiantly worth the trip and absolutely worth the 30$.
  K.Bird - 08/06/2012
i played mid-week with a deal off of golfnow.com for 30$ which included range balls but only allowed a single person. I waited on every hole for a minute or two, nothing severe, as expected when playing as a single behind a foursome and a twosome. The biggest downfall of the course was that to keep their greens so fast they let them go almost completely bare and, having rained the day before, caused the greens to become a bit patchy with patches of mud. The starter was great and let me out earlier than expected. Overall defiantly worth the trip and absolutely worth the 30$.
  joel dengler - 05/27/2012
Played in a outing, nice layout, greens were good rolled true. one of the best places i haved played at
  njrybo - 04/23/2012
Played on 4/18. Hardly anybody on the course prior to 2p. Fairways were in good shape. Looked like the greens were aerated in the past week or so. Oddly with no rain the prior day, a lot of sand traps were muddied. Love the layout acknowledging golf's founding architects.
  GBOGEY - 04/07/2012
Very Fair course - not overly penal but with enough teeth to be challenging. Several holes that are very interesting designs.
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