Ballyowen Golf Club
105 Wheatsworth Rd
Hamburg, NJ 07419-2607, United States

Owned and operated by Crystal Springs Resort, Ballyowen has been ranked highly by Golfweek, PubLinks, Zagat, New Jersey Monthly, NJ Golf and The Jersey Golfer, and 15th among the 50 Most Popular Courses in the US by Zagat. This Roger Rulewich design opened in June 1998 and suggests a links-style layout with rolling farmland, craggy knolls, and almost treeless fairways.

The resort has a toll-free telephone for U.S. callers, 888.647.0807.
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Course Details

Greens Fees (including cart):
   Weekday:$75 - $99
   Weekend:$100 - $124
Guest Policy:open
Dress Code:Collared Shirt (No Denim)
Reserved Tee Times:Online & Phone
Pro Shop :yes
Fairways Grass:Bent
Driving Range:yes
Short Game Practice:none
Water Hazards:Moderate
Sand Bunkers:Moderate

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Recent Reviews

  English Dan - 12/21/2013
Not a bad place, played it for the first time at winter rates ($70 walking) and to be honest that could be a year round price, its not worth much more or any better than Royce Brook, Berkshire Valley or some of the other courses in the resort its linked with. Pace of play was great but that was because of the time of year and the fact only 9 other players were out on the course at the time. Very cold day but that did not spoil the fun. Everything was in great shape, fairway to green. A very fair course and not as hard to play as I thought, will go back now I know its layout though not during the expensive months. The one person on duty was as accommodating as one could be, sending us out on the back while the other foursome went out the front.
  Myrelli - 11/24/2013
One of my favorite courses in NJ although it is a little on the pricey side. Greens are top notch and when the tall grass is up it makes for a difficult course visually. Definitely worth playing at least once.
  c5agalb - 09/21/2013
Ballyowen is a more upscale course design then many North Jersey Courses, I liked it the best of the Crystal Springs courses, But course conditions did not warrant the rack rate price they charge. That's why it took almost 10 years to play it. Its both challenging and fair. I liked that fairways are not just straight and narrow, but almost sculpted. Enjoyed my round, but think Berkshire Valley is somewhat comparable and alot less expensive.
  douglugg - 07/31/2013
finally got to play this place. Its rad but I dont understand how people would pay 135 bucks to play golf. This.isnt.aspen.
super twilight rate is where its at, if you have the rewards card.
Played blues, which scared me, being my 2nd yr, but i did well considering and kept up with everyone else :). Fun, challenging stuff.
  GregJ76 - 06/27/2013
Nice course with quick greens. Definitely recommend!
  pilot67 - 05/24/2013
Great Track. Challenging. Will play again.
  IZROMOFF - 10/02/2012
  chadman58 - 08/05/2012
great links course and the bagpipes at sun down was cool
  weitzj - 06/12/2012
Course was in just perfect condition, Smooth very fast greens... Go play it..!
  fderrico24@hotmail.com - 12/14/2011
a fair test with challenging terrain. Greens were not in the best condition; no long fescue as late November special drove us from south eastern Nassau County. Would like to give it a second shot in peak season.

Would consider buying partial membership if not for the travel time.

BTW the bagpipes and hospitality ARE a treat.
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