Titleist - Pro V1 (2012)

Pro V1 (2012)

  - Titleist
The new Pro V1 provides the exceptional distance and durability golfers have counted on, and now also delivers increased spin control and a more consistent flight. This advanced performance results from a new innovative ZG process core technology, responsive ionomeric casing layer, Urethane Elastomer cover and spherically tiled 352 tetrahedral dimple design. And with 3 axes of symmetry, our new aerodynamics deliver a penetrating ball flight that holds its line in the wind.
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  pakor44859 - 10/30/21
The new Titleist 915/915D2 driver has an aerofoil that is both deep and wide near the crown while still being more shallow at the sole to allow for faster clubhead speeds but he surely need to pursue online essay writing service??????? to manage his academic work in an effective way. It has a 3-axis symmetry which is good since its hard to make your stuff symmetrical without.
  popeye11 - 5/5/13
never been one who is "dedicated" to ONE ball. have been playing the precept laddie last couple of years mainly b'cuz of price. been pretty happy with the precept. have a dz of 2012 pro v1 and pentas in the closet, and decided to start using them...... have used the pro v last couple weeks, and now i remember WHY i used to use them!! lol seems i can get same distance off the tee, and the confidence @ the greens is awesome. love the feel off the putter face. will try a sleeve of pentas just to compare, but like they say, "you get what ya pay for" with these balls!! lol
  mayokr - 7/2/21
  cphill1 - 8/16/19
  happyhammer7 - 3/26/18
  jimbucklew - 2/12/18
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 681
Average Handicap: 11.3
Codger1Enycee92104hoopermedicgolfjediknightCPKritzerJust a has beenPujoltom940bnsmithMRFLY1Bob MBEcarpheadBernie3dogendobeesartKeenan159Ray Jr.JamesBH2chrisjarvisjlw5505

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