Callaway - Big Bertha Heavenwood

Big Bertha Heavenwood

  - Callaway
The new Big Bertha Heavenwood Hybrids are the perfect alternative for golfers of all ability levels that struggle to hit 1-, 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-irons well on a consistent basis. An elongated, narrow face profile creates an extremely low Center of Gravity to get the ball airborne quickly and easily while the modified War Bird sole design helps promote solid contact from the fairway, rough or sand.
  kroxymanrio - 9/6/22
Arrange the cards in spider solitaire 2 suit in descending sequence to win this game quickly.
  Sam004 - 7/5/13
Best hybrid made by Callaway, great feel and feedback.
  JDanilo - 4/21/20
  Jools33 - 12/29/18
  eingalls - 7/10/17
  larrydrice - 5/6/17
  kenkaiser - 6/14/16
  Capt Dave - 3/21/16
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 472
Average Handicap: 14
bbarthursluciusdserge612Chris HomrockFrenchee76Ravencrestbfrye07bwillson1Millie Woodsmr. mikeRon_ReidIvó GinercarteredRichierich20ngnear2bGeoff WebsterDAK0508gh3528Jon KHannigan_44

Equipment Ratings




