Tour Striker - Tour Striker

Tour Striker

  - Tour Striker
The Original Tour Striker is designed to automatically help you hit down on the golf ball while leaning the golf shaft forward at impact. The Tour Striker Original 8 iron has been created especially for mid-to-high handicap golfers and slower swing speeds (under 90 mph with driver). Unlike a traditional golf club, the distinctive Tour Striker design has an elevated leading edge and reduced clubface area and "sweet spot".
  wicome9211 - 3/31/23
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  marryjanes - 8/26/22
Excellent Euchre Online. I really love it
  AMorash - 3/16/12
Best training aid, I have come across. Has helped me slow down my tempo and I am hitting the ball approx. 10 yds farther per club.
  jmcelroy828 - 8/29/13
  mikec302 - 10/29/12
  johnawsome - 10/20/12
  bamarolls2011 - 5/4/12
  Sensational Sally - 4/29/12
Golfer Stats
Number of Users: 47
Average Handicap: 12.6
Sensational Sallyracer408Baseball4life21DominxrusbridgeSnowman04Mikeshell2cscrutonVR Protoppoopcameron.hugillJim 2aeTopfourRCR2ndPedro T GonzalezDmoney1175gmloulijohnawsomeivandgr8pcheng947

Equipment Ratings




