Austin, TX quick link: This group is for Austin area players, good or not so good who love the game of golf. From time to time maybe have some skins game and/or small tourneys. We could even compete with other groups if interested. Bottom line here is to Have Fun, enjoy the game of golf and who knows maybe even make some new friends. 41 members 89.2 average score 12.5 average handicap Tropfish1 says:
Hi Everyone, I wanted to say I am back. I now many of you never even knew I was here. I have been gone due to a broken finger and a couple other things. I want to thank all of you for joining this little group. Please know that I am open to any suggestions you may have. Maybe we can have a skins event or maybe challenge another group to team game. If we have enough interest within this group. Let me know your thoughts. Never forget to Have Fun! Glen 4/25/13
Tropfish1 says:
Our group is GROWING!!! Welcome to all the new players. Enjoy your time here and if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Oh yeah.....Have Fun! 8/9/10
* only 9-holes played
* only 9-holes played