calgary, alberta quick link: Migwell, the Cooler and Wilzo 3 members 95.7 average score 16.7 average handicap Wolfmeister says:
the key question is when wil Drewie get himself on the leader board, when are these fictitious dates, we are ready to rock and roll 5/2/11
Wilzo says:
Ill talk to Edie and see what can be done for some wolf sessions. Drewie, you gotta get on the leaderboard .... 5/1/11
Drewie says:
C'mon guys...bandido's riding from the hills with those scores: is your SGX set straight?????? I'm back for 2 weeks soon and have given dates to Edie...plese please can we get 3 or 4 games in over those 2 weeks? (: 5/1/11